While the worst of Covid-19 may feel like it’s behind us, there is still a lot to learn about this virus. It seems like every day another article or medical study is published providing new insights into how Covid has morphed and how effective the vaccines have been, and where the gaps remain. Any time there is a medical or health-related study, participants need to be recruited. Our dedicated teams of recruiters have years of experience connecting with qualified participants for all sorts of medical and healthcare studies.
There are so many different facets to study and learn more about with regards to Covid. Not all Covid-related studies are medical. There are political, social, and consumer ramifications and we predict that researchers will be busy for years designing studies that seek to learn more about how the pandemic affected all aspects of how we live, work, and play.
No matter the focus of a study, the common denominator is finding the right people to participate. While we have established relationships with many different market research agencies, we also love working with scientists, healthcare workers, social workers, government employees, and academic researchers and help them with their recruiting needs and paid medical surveys.
Focus Insite can provide as little or as much support as needed to help your study be a success. Sometimes we’re approached by clients who have their own database they want to recruit from. Other times, we’re given parameters of the types of participants needed and we do all the leg work to find and recruit people. Whether we’re providing a lot of recruiting support, or a little, you’ll always be assured of a dedicated project manager who will see your recruiting needs through from beginning to end. You’ll never be bounced around or left wondering how our recruiting efforts are going. We pride ourselves on providing daily updates and always give you the final say on who you formally want to invite to participate in a study. Our approach is we do what we do best (recruiting) so that you can do what you do best (research)!
Recruiting for medical studies is different than consumer studies, in that the privacy and ethical standards are often different. While we always implement the Respondent’s Bill of Rights into every recruiting job, we are also trained and follow all privacy and ethical protocols as required for health and medical studies. There are HIPPA regulations, and patient privacy regulations that govern recruiting, medical surveys for cash and transcription services, all of which we are familiar with.
No matter the focus of your study, we are here to help. We have depth of experienced qualitative research consultant who filling all sorts of qualitative and quantitative studies.
Original Reference: https://bit.ly/2URQFR7